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Professional Wix Designer Tips


As a professional Wix Designer, I have come across a lot of tricks for designing and editing in Wix. Here are some tips:

1. Layered Items: If you have an item that you cannot get to be in front or behind another object, just copy the item, cut it / delete it, then paste it. This will help cure any layering issues.

2. Shapes: If you're looking for a cool shape to use as a backdrop or callout, check out Wix's collection of shapes, they're free and easy to insert and customize! To insert, click on the + menu symbol and choose "Shapes & Lines" > "Shape". Once you've found and added your shape on the page, you can select it and click on "Settings" and you'll see where you can change the fill color, the stroke (border) color, and even adjust the transparency of the object. (see screenshot attached to see where the Transparency setting is).

3. Apps: Want your website to feature an appointment calendar tied into your Google calendar? Or do you want to embed social media feeds from multiple sources? Or maybe you want to have a Live Chat room on your site so you can help customers with any questions they may have... Well all of these can be accomplished and so much more with the seemingly unlimited Wix Apps under the App button in the Wix editing menu. Many of the apps are free, though some carry monthly fees for their premium features. Let me know if you would like help finding an app for your website needs.


Reach out with questions or for a free design estimate:

As a website designer and graphic designer, I love sharing great tips and tools that make designing easier. As part of my website design services, I train clients on how to update their websites or to do their own SEO (search engine optimization), so I post many of these tips for my clients to train them how to use Wix and other tools to keep their website up-to-date. Keeping websites current is the best way to get found and to keep people coming back to your website. 

Check out all my Design & SEO tips and resources in my blog

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