2018 Wix Review by a Website Designer

Check out this 2018 Wix Review from New York Times' thewirecutter.com, they say Wix is the best website builder for small businesses!
I agree, Wix really is the best website editor and builder! My clients love it, as do I. Hence the name "Picklewix" :) I love making homegrown pickles + I love working in Wix, so my husband nicknamed me Picklewix many years ago. I'm so glad to no longer be having to deal very often with other clunky, time-consuming platforms like Wordpress. I still work on these other platforms for some of my clients, but every time I do, I'm thinking, "Why can't this be as easy as Wix?" I feel like Wordpress and Shopify, Squarespace and other editors are in the dark age of website design editors, where Wix has stepped into the light. :) There is still plenty of room in Wix for improvement and new features (Wordpress Import, better Shopping Cart customization, etc), but I am very excited to be part of the Wix Design Experts Community helping to guide Wix's future with our input.
Here's Wirecutter's Wix Review, below, I love this quote: "Wix presents the fewest obstacles to putting an informative, attractive, and useful website online."
I wholeheartedly agree, Wix is like smooth sailing compared to any other website editor that I've come across in my 15 years of designing websites!

This great Wix Review was brought to my attention by Marianne Borozny from the Wix Design Experts Facebook group. I didn't know it at the time, but I had spoken with someone who said they were writing an article a few weeks back – we were discussing why I like Wix, and I now realize they were with Wirecutter, as they mentioned me in the article above! :) As a Website Design for over 15 years, I have worked in so many platforms I can't remember them all! I discovered Wix about 4 years ago thanks to a recommendation from my husband Todd Fisher, who is an expert Print Production Artist. His coworker in the ad agency business had mentioned that they liked Wix, and he told me to check it out. So I did, and fell in love almost immediately with the platform. It was so easy I felt it was too good to be true... but it has not disappointed! Over the years I've found Wix to be extremely reliable, easy to use, and continually morphing and improving with new features and functionality. The best part, my clients love the platform, and once I train them on how to use Wix, they are able to update and manage their own websites with ease.
Here's more from the Wix Review Wirecutter article:

Read the full Wix Review Wirecutter article »
While Wix may be the best website builder, that doesn't always mean that you can easily do-it-yourself. Wix, as with all software, has a learning curve and unless you're graphic-design-inclined, you may find the editor overwhelming. If you want help with a Wix Website design, there are plenty of Wix Designers that can help! As a Wix Website Designer, I often work with businesses to design, and build out their website, and then I train them on how to use the easy Wix editor to keep their website updated over time. Once the website is designed and launched, most people find the Wix editor much more approachable and easy to figure out how to make changes. Working with Wix Designers is also wise as experienced website designers know the ins-and-outs of SEO (search engine optimization) so they can ensure your website pages are all optimized to be found for ideal keywords in search engines. With my Wix Website Design packages, I offer SEO keyword research, optimization of meta tags like the Page Title tag, description tags, and alt image tags. I will help write your page titles and descriptions and guide you with your page content to ensure that your pages will be found by searchers looking for your services or products. I am a SEO Hero, so I can help educate you on how you can build your site's content over time to really be found by potential customers.
Let us know if you want to talk about your website design or graphic design needs and we can let you know if Wix is the right website platform for your business needs. Contact us online or call 720.260.3541.
Idelle Fisher is the owner of Pickle-Wix Web Design, and has worked as a professional website designer for over 15 years.