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Author Tools & Book Publisher

Are you a writer, or blogger? Here's some cool tools for authors to aggregates everything you’ve ever written so you never lose your work:

Book Publisher

Another good Author resource is Graham Publishing Group, who help authors publish books, ebooks, and even self-publish – they work with new authors, too! My contact is: Colin Graham

Graham Publishing Group

Phone 720-366-6401



Reach out with questions or for a free design estimate:

As a website designer and graphic designer, I love sharing great tips and tools that make designing easier. As part of my website design services, I train clients on how to update their websites or to do their own SEO (search engine optimization), so I post many of these tips for my clients to train them how to use Wix and other tools to keep their website up-to-date. Keeping websites current is the best way to get found and to keep people coming back to your website. 

Check out all my Design & SEO tips and resources in my blog

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