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Infographic Designer: Car Reverse Noise

Infographic Design for Car Reverse Noise Pollution:

My sister and our new neighbors both have Toyota RAV4s that make a strange, loud ringing/singing sound every time they back-up. They don’t like it, but they do not know how to turn this reverse sound off. From what I read, you can rewire it if you're handy, but it could cause an alert to appear in your dashboard, which is annoying, too.

So now we know each and every time my neighbor leaves the house. It’s not a super loud sound, but it carries about half a block at least, so I can hear it inside our house if we have our windows open, or anytime I’m outside, even down the street. The frequent back-up beeps from trucks is bad enough, but now Toyota (and maybe other car makers?) are starting to put these in Hybrids so before you know it, all of our neighborhoods will be riddled with these noises of people coming and going in their vehicles.

Hopefully we ask carmakers to stop adding in these car reverse sounds before it gets worse, or if OSHA gets involved and mandates it (if they haven’t already?)

What’s funny is, cars have much quieter engines now, especially hybrids when running on battery power, which is wonderful, but now they want to add noise back in! Humans. I am an Infographic Designer and I love working on designing graphics to illustrate ideas to spread the word, concepts, diagrams, or services. View more infographic designs »



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