Favicon not showing in Google Search
Question from client: My favicon shows up in browser tab but not in search results... even after resizing/formating, clearing cache and page being crawled.... hope you can help? Thanks.

Answer: Whether you have just added a Favicon, or if you have updated it, Google's search results will not show the change immediately. So this is ikely just that Google might not have had a chance to crawl or index it yet. It takes Google time to update the Favicon in it’s search index, and it can take days, weeks or sometimes over a month for it to re-index and notice the new favicon or other website content. Since you have Google Search Console setup, and Google Analytics, this will also help speed the update along, but it can still take several days to weeks. Updating content on your homepage may also prompt Google to re-index the site more quickly. After updates, I also recommend that you try searching for your website on Google (using the name of your business or some other terms to find your site in the results and then click on it) and that can help Google notice the new Favicon or content and re-index the site. You can also pin your website on Pinterest, or share it on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook or elsewhere to get Google to possibly notice the update faster. Use Facebook's debugger to re-scrape the site to get the Favicon updated there. Best bet? Wait a few days and check again, Google WILL update the Favicon, it can just take some time. In Wix, here's how you update your Favicon:
To change the favicon on a Wix site, you can do the following:
Go to Settings > Website Settings in the site's dashboard
Scroll down to Favicon
Click Add or Update Image to select a new Favicon image file
Click Save at top right on Website Settings Page