How to manage Wix storage?
Wix Storage
As a Wix Designer, I have many clients that have run into an issue with their Wix Storage limit. Did you know there is a way to manage your Wix website storage space and files? It's not easy to find (Wix says it's under your Settings area of the dashboard, but it is not there on my dashboard, so see my links lower below). Once you find the Manage Storage page, you can easily sort by file size and delete files to free up space in the Manage Storage dashboard area of Wix*. You can also add Storage Plans to your existing Wix Premium Hosting Plan if you run out of space. For example, in Wix's Light Premium Plan, it only includes 2GB of storage space, and many people exceed that but don't need to upgrade to the much more expensive Core Plan as they only need more space, not ecommerce or online payments.
Wix Storage full? Here's how to check Wix Storage:

Above is Wix's Manage Storage area in the dashboard where you can view your files by filesize to identify the largest space-hogs and remove them if unused.* This is hard to find, so below is the link to get to your Wix Storage Manager in the "Settings" of your dashboard. For some reason, this is not available in the Settings area, but it does exist if you use the link below (it will give you an option to select the Wix website you want to manage storage):
Storage Manager (view by filesize, etc):
*IMPORTANT NOTE: if you delete an image or document that is being used by your site, it WILL result in a broken link or broken image on the webpage, so be sure to check to be sure the image or file is NOT being used before permanently deleting! If they are being used by your site, go to the page or blog post where they are used and replace the image or PDF link with a new one BEFORE deleting the larger file so you won't have broken links or images on your site. Not sure if your images are being used and don't want to delete files willy-nilly? Then you can also upgrade your Wix Storage Plan, see below:
Wix Storage Pricing (as of Sept 2024):

Wix Storage Limit
If you ran out of space in your existing Wix Premium Plan, you CAN add just storage to your plan without having to upgrade to a much more expensive hosting plan. If you want to add more Storage space only (but not upgrade your Premium hosting plan), Wix does have Storage-only add-ons, you can add 200GB for $5, 500GB for $7 and 1TB for $9/month. Note that this add-on is hard to find in your Wix dashboard, so just use the link below:
Add Wix Storage space:
If this link above doesn’t work, you can also find the link to it here:
Wix Storage Wishes:
I've asked Wix support for two things:
Ability to replace files in the Wix Media/Storage area – for example, to reduce the size of an image or document and replace it so it automatically replaces it everywhere it is linked to on the site. Currently, you have to manually replace files on every page which can be cumbersome or nearly impossible if an image or PDF is on multiple pages are you're not sure where they all are.
Ability to view if a file is being used or not – if you delete an image or file and it is being used somewhere on the Wix website, it will become a broken link or broken image. NOT good! I had a client try to free up space and he deleted a ton of image files, resulting in his entire website missing images on many pages. ARG!
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