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Illustrator rectangle tool skewed? Here's the fix.

Wondering how to undo skewed shapes in Illustrator? If you're creating rectangles, for example, and the tool keeps creating skewed rectangles or squares, it's simply because your Perspective Grid is turned on.

How to turn off Perspective Grid Illustrator:

To turn it off, hide the grid – simply go to the top menu to: View > Perspective Grid > Hide Grid

As a Graphic Designer, I was working on designing a wine label for a client, I had accidentally turned on this Perspective Grid (show Grid using a keyboard shortcut (Shift Command I) which triggered the perspective grid to be in place. Then, all my shapes that I used with the Grid showing were skewed. Once I changed it to "Hide Grid" I was able to make normal shapes once again. See the screenshot image below, or watch the video lower below to see what I mean.

Easy fix. If you create any shapes with the Perspective Grid set to "show" and then you hide the Perspective Grid, it will NOT change any objects you created while it was turned on. But it will allow you to once again make regular, unskewed rectangles.

Keyboard shortcuts are nice to use, but not when you accidentally turn something on by mistake! Sometimes it's hard to figure out where and how to turn it off, like in the case of the Perspective grid. I knew about the Perspective Grid and have used it a little in the past, but I didn't realize that by unknowingly using keyboard shortcut to Show the Grid, this causes all new shapes that you create to be applied to the grid. But that's what it was! Note: This was in Adobe Illusrator 2023, yes, I know I need to upgrade to the latest version, but I dislike having to relearn where my favorite tools are in the new versions. Seems like they're always moving things around or renaming things or the latest release is buggy, so I always wait awhile. Years if I can. Ha! Hope this helps someone else, as it took me awhile and some Googling to figure it out.

Happy Illustrating!



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