Just received this email about Wix vs. Wordpress for SEO...

This letter below is excerpted from another website design company who sent me and several of my customers this email:
“Your website should be your best salesperson, but Wix often limits SEO performance, slows down load speeds, and restricts design flexibility. That’s why we don’t optimize Wix—we build custom WordPress websites that you own and control, allowing for better search rankings, faster performance, and more effective lead generation.
Would you be open to a quick call to discuss how a WordPress site can help grow your business? Let me know what time works best for you.”
Marked as spam, and deleted!
When I receive these types of emails with misleading information, I just delete them and go on my way. I am not into dishonesty to get a client, but a lot of people are.
I get these kinds of emails somewhat often and so do my clients, and I wanted to just post this here for referencing – these generic emails are designed to make someone doubt the website platform they are on.
Wix, in this case, is not a bad platform for SEO. Nor is Wordpress, Shopify or other platforms. When you use them to build websites correctly, most current website platforms can excel at SEO. It's not really about the platform so much is that is about creating valuable content that is what you want to be found for.
So is Wix good for SEO? Yes. Even the people at Google agree that Wix is fine for SEO.
It's not about the platform, it's about how you build and optimize your website, and how you use it going forward. Keep your websites updated with fresh content. You want to optimize all your pages and posts to have good page/post titles, descriptions, unique images with alt text, and structured content that goes into detail on any topics or services you want search engines and people to discover.

Create and use unique images, use real photos of your products, people or services. Create useful charts or engaging shareable infographics. Optimize your images to have Alt Text, this helps not only with SEO, but also with accessibility.
Write real copy – don't use straight AI generated text. If you really want to, you could use AI-written text as a starting point but make sure to rewrite it to make it yours. I like to write from the heart, from a human perspective. You are your best writer about your business as you know your business! If you're not into writing long paragraphs, use short sentences, headlines, bullet points, and answer questions like you would with a customer. I generally avoid using AI as you don't want to have plagiarized or duplicate conent on your website to do well with SEO – and AI sources it's content from the all over the web so you never know what's original.

To help with your website's online presence, answer common customer questions, provide instructions, tips, useful content that is likely to be shared or bookmarked. Whatever you do, don't let your website get stale, Google drops websites in the search rankings if they are not updated often.
One reason that Wix can actually be better than Wordpress is because it's so easy to use. With Wix, you don't have to spend precious time updating software or plugins, that's all take care of so that you can focus entirely on adding good, new content over time. And, it's easy to add new pages and blog posts in Wix! The Wix editor is WYSIWYG, meanting: what you see is what you get – so you can click on text boxes to edit or resize them directly, or drop in images, move elements around, and design each and every page as you see fit. No battling a "backend" editor that you have to keep checking the frontend live version to see if it is looking as expected. Of course, if you're not a designer, hiring an expert Wix Designer is a great way to get a well-built and Search Engine Optimized website built. Good Wix designers know how to optimize pages and content for SEO as they build out the site. Then, you can simply get some Wix training (I train all my clients) so that you can keep adding new pages, updating the menu as needed, adding blog posts, and editing the website over time. Afterall, updated website content is best for SEO. Because of the easy-to-use Wix website editor, my clients enjoy working on their websites as they aren't scared to use the editor. It doesn't get "broken" by outdated plugins or software, and in Wix you even have a handy "Site History" option to go back to previously saved versions if you ever DO mess anything up. It's fool-proof! Unlike Wordpress, which can be a great platform if you spend time (or hire a developer) to stay on top of the software updates and you know how to use the somewhat confusing backend to make page or menu edits. Don't make the mistake that many new customers come to me with – letting their Wordpress website get stagnant because they're afraid they're going to "break it" – or worse, letting the software or plugins get out of date, exposing your website to hackers – resulting in hacked or even blocked websites. Many clients have come to me with corrupted hacked Wordpress sites over the years, I usually recommend starting fresh and rebuilding the website from the ground up if the site has been compromised, as once they've been hacked, they seemed to get hacked again if every bit of code wasn't cleaned or replaced.
Wix is a secure platform, and doesn't have all the back doors for spammers, scammers and phishers to get into the code like open source platforms such as Wordpress. I'm not saying that Wix websites can't get hacked, but so far I've not had any problems with any of my hundreds of clients with Wix websites for the past 10 years. Because it is not open source, hopefully it will never be an issue. Wix does all the updates on their platform, so you can just use it to work on your website content.

In addition to being easy to use and good for SEO, Wix can also look beautiful, be responsive, and look great on phones.
Check out some of the Best Wix Websites »

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