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No Idling

Engine idling not only pollutes, it also wastes gas and money. Many people don't realize how much pollution and wasted gas caused by idling their car. If you have a car, simply turning off your engine will save money and the air we breathe. Here are a few graphics to spread the word and help save our air.

No Idling: Turn your engines off and protect the air we breathe. Idling for 2 minutes a day uses the same amount of gas as one mile of driving.
No Idling: Turn your engines off and protect the air we breathe. Idling for 2 minutes a day uses the same amount of gas as one mile of driving.
Protect our air, don't Idle. Idling for 2 minutes a day uses the same amount of gas as one mile of driving.
Protect our air, don't Idle. Idling for 2 minutes a day uses the same amount of gas as one mile of driving.
Protect our Air: Don't Idle. Idling for 5 minutes a day can emit as many as 25 pounds of air pollutants and 260 pounds of carbon dioxide a year.
Protect our Air: Don't Idle. Idling for 5 minutes a day can emit as many as 25 pounds of air pollutants and 260 pounds of carbon dioxide a year.
idling cars outside schools infographic

Idling wastes fuel & money. All Idling vehicles get ZERO miles-per-gallon while idling. Trucks and other large vehicles also tend to waste more fuel than smaller vehicles. Idling also can cause more engine wear-and-tear over time, resulting in higher maintenance costs. Idling burns up oil – the longer you leave your engine idling causes more motor oil to be circulated and burned up. So in addition to cutting back on air pollution, not idling your car also saves your engine, time and money.

Here's a video to show fuel waste from idling cars:

Want a custom No Idling sign designed for your business, school or neighborhood? Reach out »



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