Plant Swap Flyer
I had a lot of fun working on this illustrated Denver Native Plant Swap Flyer graphic for the Front Range Wild Ones. The Front Range Wild Ones partners with Earthlinks and People and Pollinators to host amazing plant swaps every June to help more people grow native plants! Their native plant and seed swaps in Denver, Fort Collins, Boulder and Colorado Springs are amazing events filled with generous gardeners who love sharing their volunteer native plants as well as plants started from seed. It's a free event and open to the public, so anyone can get into growing native plants in their landscapes or patio pots to join the Coloradoscape and pollinator gardening revolution! Here's the finalized version of the plant swap flyer graphic:

Below are a couple of my initial drafts for their 2024 Denver Native Plant Swap flyer, the finalized graphics will be used to share on social media to get the word about about the fabulous Denver plant swap event. Stay tuned for updates!
Original draft of the plant swap flyer with hand-drawn illustrations:

Below is an updated version of the plant swap flyer with more easily read font text for the title, I think this one works better for legibility!

View more of my work, see my infographic design and my Illustration portfolio