Wix Blog Facebook Share Image – how to get it to work!
Want to know how to setup your Wix Blog Facebook Share Image? One of the common questions I get as a Wix Website Designer is "How come when I post links to my blog posts from my Wix website, Facebook doesn't show an image?"
When sharing Wix website blog posts on Facebook, often times the image doesn’t show up right away on new posts as Facebook hasn’t scraped the information from the page yet. To fix this, you can use the Facebook Sharing Debugger to “scrape” the link until the image appears:

Image Posts are Better than Link Posts! I also believe that if you upload an image and have the link as part of the image's post text rather than a shared link preview, it shows up more often in people's feeds than a link post. So I find this is a better solution for reaching more people on Facebook. To do this, you upload your image FIRST to the post you’re making on Facebook, then after you've uploaded the image, you can then paste in the link as part of your post. This way, it won’t treat it like a link post, which it doesn’t show as often to people as image posts.