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Wix Header Disappeared?

Wix Header Disappeared? Here's how to fix it:

As a Wix Designer, I keep running into an issue if I want to use a unique/different strip “background” video or image on each page that goes behind the header – the header sometimes gets overlapped by the page content's strip. See the video below on what I mean, and how to fix the header disappearing in Wix:

1. Select your Header: Control click on a Mac (or right-click on PC) with your mouse on the header area and then select the header under Overlapping Items.

2. Once you have the Header selected, Bring Header Forward: Use these keyboard key commands to arrange the header to the front, on a full keyboard with arrow keys, you can do this by holding down the Command key on Mac or Control key on PC then clicking on your upward arrow until the header is arranged to the top layer and you can see it. This will bring it forward to the top of the page, so that no page elements can overlap it. See the video above for more details to see how this is done.

Remember Wix websites have different header scroll settings, depending on the design, you may want the header to scroll with website, or you may want it to freeze at the top of the page as a user scrolls, or perhaps disappear after scrolling down for a bit. Wix has all these settings to choose from under the settings (gear icon) when you click on the header. If you want to have a different background image or video that shows up behind the main menu and logo header area, it's good to use the "scroll with website" option otherwise it looks strange if it remains on the page as a user scrolls as the menu/logo will overlap the content and will make it illegible or messy looking. So this is a good solution to bring the header to front, but still let it scroll with the site as the user goes downward on the page.

Is your mobile header disappearing or getting overlapped on Wix? Here's the fix in the video below. If your Wix header has disappeared or is getting overlapped by an element on the page, you just need to bring the header back to the front or top layer. Here's how:

Select the Header so it's highlited in orange, and then use the Command key on Mac or Control key on PC and use your upward arrow until the header is arranged to the top layer and you can see it.

Happy Wixing!



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As a website designer and graphic designer, I love sharing great tips and tools that make designing easier. As part of my website design services, I train clients on how to update their websites or to do their own SEO (search engine optimization), so I post many of these tips for my clients to train them how to use Wix and other tools to keep their website up-to-date. Keeping websites current is the best way to get found and to keep people coming back to your website. 

Check out all my Design & SEO tips and resources in my blog

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