Wix in Films

We noticed that Reese Witherspoon's character in the film Home Again was building her website in Wix! She sure picked the right Website platform! Wix is one of the easiest to use website builders, and, while it's not always easy for a non-designer to build the website from scratch entirely on their own, it is a great website platform to work with a Website Designer with.
I love to offer Wix Website Design to my clients as I can design their website in Wix to be beautiful, functional, and mobile-friendly, and then easily train them on how to make edits and add photos and content going forward.
Not only can Wix websites be beautiful and professional, Wix is a great platform for SEO (search engine optimization) because it's so easy to use that my clients actually use it! It has a built-in blog, easy to use photo galleries and slideshows, and it's easy to add new pages and make menu adjustments. As a Website Designer, I love to design websites, but I don't necessarily want to edit all my clients websites going forward (there isn't enough time in the day!), so I love training people how to use their own website to build great SEO content over time, creating useful, in-depth websites that can show off everything their business is doing. With SEO being one of the main things you can do these days to help your business get found, making sure your website is easy to edit and add new content to is a must-have. No longer do you want to have to rely on website designers to add blog posts, it's better if you can do it yourself so you can be constantly adding good, new content for your website to get found for on Google and Bing and other search engines. Learn more about Wix SEO »
So, Reese's character picked the best website platform out there – Wix!
To get a free Wix Website Design Estimate, contact me today »