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Wix Designer Tutorial - Connecting Repeater to Blog Posts Collection

Connecting a repeater to your Wix Blog, but missing the Blog Posts in the Collection dropdown options?

If you're not seeing the "Posts" in the "Connect a collection" dropdown, here's how to fix it.

To custom design a blog post feed, you can use a repeater and connect it to the posts collection. But sometimes you don't see your Blog Posts list available in the dropdown to select for the repeater's dataset. Here's what to do if your posts collection isn't showing up in the dropdown to Connect a Feed in the Dataset element:

Here's the settings to turn on your Wix App collections to the dataset dropdown of Collections (if the "Posts" are not showing up in the Collections list)

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As a website designer and graphic designer, I love sharing great tips and tools that make designing easier. As part of my website design services, I train clients on how to update their websites or to do their own SEO (search engine optimization), so I post many of these tips for my clients to train them how to use Wix and other tools to keep their website up-to-date. Keeping websites current is the best way to get found and to keep people coming back to your website. 

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