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Wix Website Speed

Wix Website Speed - Tips

As a Wix Web Designer, I really love using the Wix platform for most of my client websites as it's super easy to design customized pages and mobile layouts, and my clients love it too as I can quickly train them on how to edit their own websites going forward. One of the common questions I get from my clients is how they can keep their website loading faster. As part of my Wix Website Design services, I always optimize websites for fastest loading. Here are my top tips on how to make sure your Wix Website loads as fast as possible: 1. AVOID ANIMATION: Wix Animation is tempting, but it definitely slows Wix websites down! I always avoid animation on any objects, as that does seem to slow Wix sites down considerably. I also remove the page-to-page Transition animation for faster loading. 2. IMAGE OPTIMIZATION + SIZING: Of course, optimizing all your JPG images to be as small as possible and still look good. I also try not to use many PNGs as they are larger files and can't be compressed, however I do use them for transparent objects/logos as needed, and size them appropriately for what they are being used for. If I'm using images at full-browser-width (such as in a full-width slideshow or Strip), then I size my images to no larger than 1980 pixels wide, and save them at JPG quality 60-80 so they're as small as possible but still look good. You can even go smaller than 1980 pixels wide, depending on the photo. Testing it on the live site is the best way to figure out a good balance between fast loading and looking good.


Try not to use too many images on your homepage, which should be the fastest loading page on the site. If you have a slideshow, try to limit the slides to 2-3 slides, and make sure the images in the slideshow are optimized for a good size.

4. SEO: Make sure to add page titles, image alt text, use H1, H2 tags appropriately, and turn on Wix's ADA compliance options so that the site is as easy to access as possible.

Wix Website Speed  – Why Wix is the Best Web Builder

Why Wix is Great:

The Wix Website Editor is amazing, it's a WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) editor, which means you can click on items on the page to edit, add images and other elements easily, click and drag items around in any order, easily add images to galleries, slideshows, or backgrounds, change buttons, add pages, and so much more. I think that website-builder platforms like Wix are the website design platforms of the future, no longer will we need to code most websites – we will have editors like the million-dollar Wix Editor at our fingertips to make website design fun and easy. To me, Wix is to Website Design as Adobe Photoshop is to photography – it makes infinite options possible! I will say, there is a learning curve to Wix, that is why I offer Wix Training as part of all my Wix Website Design projects. I am happy to train clients using Skype, Zoom or other screensharing services to walk them through how to edit their own website easily. I also offer lots of Wix Training Videos on my blog and on YouTube that my clients love to reference for future help on editing in Wix. All that said, Wix may not be the perfect fit for every clients need, but I will recommend the best platform for the job. Contact us today today for our recommendations and an estimate »



Reach out with questions or for a free design estimate:

As a website designer and graphic designer, I love sharing great tips and tools that make designing easier. As part of my website design services, I train clients on how to update their websites or to do their own SEO (search engine optimization), so I post many of these tips for my clients to train them how to use Wix and other tools to keep their website up-to-date. Keeping websites current is the best way to get found and to keep people coming back to your website. 

Check out all my Design & SEO tips and resources in my blog

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