Air Pollution Infographic

As a Graphic Designer, I design infographics for my clients including many environmental organizations and businesses. I also volunteer a lot of my time to non-profit organizations to help them help spread awareness of what they're doing. I think one of the best ways to communicate messages and information is through infographic design. People don't like to read long text, they want to see images and small blurbs of text that quickly communicate.
In my free time, I also work on projects to help spread good messages about how we can all make a difference. As I ride my bike for most of my commuting (going to the store, library, workout classes, etc), I often find myself passing by schools in my neighborhood. And, every weekday afternoon there are many cars parked around the school while the parents wait to pick up their kids. Most of them are idling their cars! As I ride by, I can smell the exhaust in the air and hear the rumbling of their engines as they wait. So I designed this infographic to help spread knowledge. The air pollution infographic above is part of my air pollution awareness campaign of infographics to help spread the word. Idling is not an innocent activity, it pollutes a huge amount, especially if you think about how many people do it for just 5 minutes a day!
Whether you're waiting, or if you simply pull over to text or look at your GPS, please turn off your car. This will cut back a small percent of the air pollution that is hurting our air and lungs! Idling for more than 10 seconds uses more fuel and produces more emissions that contribute to smog and climate change than stopping and restarting your engine does.
Idling also wastes gas!
Researchers estimate that idling from vehicles combined wastes about 6 billion gallons of fuel annually. Read more info on this:
Here's another sister air pollution infographic about idling:
